The Key to Tenant Retention: Best Practices for San Jose Owners

Tyler Dougthy • Dec 21, 2023

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Retaining San Jose tenants is an excellent way to increase what you earn in both the short term (stable and consistent rental income) and the long term (fewer vacancy and turnover costs leading to better ROI). When your tenants renew their lease agreements, you’re spared the expense and the time that it takes to turn the property over, market the home, and screen new applicants. 

At Superior Homes and Properties, we make tenant retention a priority because we know it makes your property more profitable. 

Here are some of the best practices that will lead to less turnover and higher retention rates. 

Be a Responsive and Communicative Landlord 

Your tenants need to know that you care about their experience while they live in your property. It’s a common misconception that the landlord/tenant relationship has to be adversarial and prone to conflicts and disputes. You can actually develop and maintain an excellent and professional relationship with your tenants, and when you do, you’re more likely to retain them. 

Residents want you to be available and accessible in case something goes wrong or they have a question that only you can answer. If you aren’t willing to able to be on call for them, make sure you’re
working with a property manager so your tenants don’t become frustrated. Not responding to messages and not taking phone calls is a great way to motivate them to move out. Don’t lose tenants this way. Be willing to listen actively and respond accordingly. 

This is especially critical when we’re talking about maintenance. Even minor repairs need your immediate attention. Otherwise, tenants will feel like you don’t care about your property or their experience, and they’ll look for somewhere else to live. 

Give tenants a reason to stay in place. Respond promptly when something is wrong and be willing to listen and care about their positive rental experience. 

Invest in and Utilize Technology for a Convenient and Pleasant Rental Experience

Are you providing a way for tenants to pay their rent online? Can they request routine repairs online as well? This is the preferred way for residents to conduct their business with you; they’re more digital than ever and they’d probably rather send a message via an app than talk to you in person. 

Facilitate this to the extent that you can. 

San Jose property managers, we’re able to provide an entire online platform for our tenants, where they can pay rent, respond to maintenance, and send us messages. Independent landlord may not have access to technology this extensive, but you can still provide a way for them to pay their rent electronically or send photos and descriptions of maintenance issues without calling you, writing out a check or taking extra time out of their day. 

Residents are easier to retain when you provide them with convenience. 

Provide a Pet-Friendly San Jose Rental Property 

We think you should allow pets in your property. Not only does this potentially earn you more money and cut down on your vacancy time when you’re first renting out your property, it also gives you the opportunity to retain your existing tenants when they have pets. 

It’s easy to understand why. Pet owners know that not all rental properties and landlords will be willing to accept their pets. When they find a landlord who welcomes their dogs and cats, they’re going to want to stay in place instead of looking around for another pet-friendly property. 

There’s also the economics of it. When a tenant with a pet moves into your property, they will likely pay you a pet fee. That’s a non-refundable fee, and if they move out of your rental home, they lose it. They’ll also have to pay a new pet fee at the next property they rent. There would have to be a very good reason for them to do that. 

Pets come with their own set of risks and potential liabilities. We understand why owners sometimes hesitate to allow them. However, with a strong pet policy, restrictions on breeds and numbers and sizes, and a pet fee or pet rent (or both), you can adequately protect your property against any pet damage. And, you’ll have an easier time retaining those tenants who happen to have pets. 

Make Sure Rental Increases are Market-Driven

Rent Increase

Almost all tenants in San Jose will expect the rent to increase at renewal time. This is pretty typical, and when you approach your tenants with an invitation to renew the lease agreement, you have the opportunity to increase what you charge in rent. 

You should absolutely raise the rent to keep it at market levels. But, you don’t want to raise the rent so much that you chase your tenants right out the door. This would be a mistake. Retain your tenants by making rental increases that are reasonable and market-based. Take some time to study the market. Do another comparative market analysis of your property by comparing it to what other properties similar to yours are renting for. Study the neighborhood. How long are properties on the market before they’re rented? How often is the price being dropped or increased? Gather all the data you can and then establish a rental increase that you can justify with your documentation. 

Raising the rent but keeping it just a hair below what your tenants would have to pay if they went elsewhere to rent is a great way to ensure retention. Your residents will know that they’re getting a better deal with you, and they’ll be more likely to stay in place. 

Make sure you’re following all rent control laws when you’re establishing your renewal rate. And don’t be afraid to talk to your tenant about why the rent is going up. Explain that the market has shifted and you’re remaining competitive within that market. 

These are just a few of the ways that we work hard to retain tenants for the San Jose rental home we manage. It really does come down to tenant experience; they’re going to stay in place if they love your home and enjoy renting from you. 

San Jose property management can help. If you’d like to hear more about what we can make possible, please contact us at Superior Homes and Properties. 

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